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Exposition de Montenaken
du Samedi 02 Juin 2007

Vulcain du Petit Duc Owner : Michèle Rea (F) Persian Brown Classic Tabby


Olympia av Fjellheia*CH Owner: Heidi Dekeyzer (B) Norwegian Black Torbie/White


B-Kamani Owner: Gerda Van de Werf (B) Sphynx Black Tortie/White



Male :
Vulcain du Petit Duc Owner : Michèle Rea (F) Persian Brown Classic Tabby
Female : D’Eden Lover Betty Boop Owner: Valérie Wagner (B) Persian Blue Tortie/White
Spay : Roxalana Anja Owner: Rachel Knockaert (B) Himalayan Blue Point
Male 6/9 : Bachelor de la Madrilène Owner : Amélie Nowicki (F) Persian Cream
Female 6/9 : Ker-Galic’s Birdy Owner : Priscilla Bravard (F) Himalyan Blue Tortie Point
Male 3/6 : Capricoon Whats a Name of Owner: Renate Nickel (D) Maranello-Persian Brown Cl.Tabby/White


Male :
Jappy Curl Owner: Patricia Demolder (B) American Curl Cream Smoke
Female : Olympia av Fjellheia*CH Owner: Heidi Dekeyzer (B) Norwegian Black Torbie/White
Neuter : Selia Odin of Calaquendi Owner: Mady Janssens (B) Ragdoll Seal Point
Spay : Precious Love de Burnside les Owner: Roberta Aliphat (F) Birman Etards-Birman Seal Tortie Pt
Male 6/9 : Baron van de Eclipticats Owner: Tatiana Iantseva (B) Siberian Golden Tabby Spotted
Female 6/9 : Butterfly de Shweli-Sittang Owner: Roberta Aliphat (F) Birman Blue Tortie Point
Female 3/6 : Circé d’Anoratha Owner: Nicole Lacherade (F) Birman Blue Tabby Point
Litter : Siberian Owner: Georges Wieczorek (B)
HHP : Amadeus du Petit Bonheur Owner : Nadine Tourd (F) Red/White


Male :
ALIBI DU MISTOUFLON Owner: Cath.Passebon (F) Bristish Shorthair Choc.Silv.Tb.Pt
Female : Abrakadabra’s Dolly Owner: Dandois-Matvééva (B) Don Sphynx Black
Neuter : Batifoleurs Veryon of Wildwillows Owner: Irina Saparautzki (D) Bengal Brown Spotted Tabby
Spay : Tarentelle de la Grange Ellie Owner : Philippe Grodent (B) Oriental Shorthair Black
Male 6/9 : Newtajmahal Kaori Owner : Josiane Riga (B) Sphynx Red/White
Female 6/9 : B-Kamani Owner: Gerda Van de Werf (B) Sphynx Black Tortie/White
Male 3/6 : Man in Black de la Forêt d’Avalon Owner: Lucie Reynaert (B) Cornish Rex Black
Female 3/6 : Bambou de la Forêt d’Avalon Owner : Lucie Reynaert (B) Devon Rex Black
Baby : Zabokou Qupidon Owner : Josiane Riga (B) Peterbald Lilac Point
Honour : Taï Spirit de la Symphoriane Owner : Béatrice Passin (F) Singapura Seal Ticked Tabby
Litter : Cornish Rex Owner : Cathy Maeght (B)
HHP : Orphée Reine des Coeurs Owner : Nadine Touard (F) Brown Classic Tabby

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